Delivering Referrals
SR has delivered over 1,700,000 referrals to private specialists from GPs (Jul 2024)

- The SR service is the entire NZ Medical Specialists & Hospitals Directory accessible in Medtech and Indici software for GPs to view all specialist info and refer electronically.
- The daily rate of referrals and number of GPs using SR to refer is still growing.
GPs can email the Specialist Profile to their patient – patients can then click the ph number on their ph to call and make their appointment.
GPs also love
- GPs and patients can see specialists that have Urgent Appointments available.
- Specialist search results can be refined to specialists that Southern Cross Affiliated Providers for Consultation.
- Referrals can include attachments and photos.
- GPs can automatically set a Followup Task for private referrals.
- Specialists see email referral notification immediately.
- Referrals can be accessed anywhere anytime by Specialists and their staff (not just when in the office).
- Referrals can be flagged as Urgent – seen by specialist in referral notification and in Referral Hub.
- Specialists can Acknowledge and Decline referrals – sending a message back to the GP.